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Simple Technique to answer the most common question in a Job Interview

sell me.this pen

How to sell a pen

If you are a sales reps at the beginning of your career, you will find yourself in an interview, being asked this question, “How to sell me.this pen”.


Job interviews can be nerve-wracking, especially when faced with unexpected questions like “sell me.this pen” But fear not! In this blog, we’ll equip you with a simple and effective technique to master this common question and impress your interviewers. By the end, you’ll have the confidence and skills to turn a seemingly tricky situation into a golden opportunity.



The question is fundamentally very basic, and has multiple answers. But what the interviewer is interested in learning from you is how do you approach a problem, and you create solution, offering your sales pitch.

To answer this question, let’s do a little role play and assume that you are in an interview with the HR for an outbound sales role and suddenly you get the question “sell me.this pen”.

How would you react?

Take the pen, hold it very firmly in your finger and ask these three questions to the HR.

“When was the last time you used a pen?”

Most probably the answer would be

“I do not know”

Go ahead and ask the second question.

“For which memorable event did you use the pen last time”

The Interviewer’s answer would be

“Probably to sign a contract“

And, finally the third question.

“Do you know which pen you are using for such occasion?”

And she would say “I just picked a pen which was lying on my table and kind of signed the contract”

Ok so that’s when your actual pitch starts, go ahead with this:

Sir, you do not have a designated pen for the most important occasion of your life, that is signing deals. We all live to sign deals and make business. Having a great pen is the least thing you could do. By the way, just this last week we’ve just shipped 10 boxes of this pen to Elon musk’s office in the and there is only one box left.

And this should yours, and this is your special pen.


  1. Enquire about the needs of your customer. (create a demand)
  2. Match the needs of the customer, with your product. (Create a sense of urgency)
  3. Pitch your product, matching their need (generate a Supply)
  1. Understanding the Purpose of the Question- “sell me.this pen”

Before diving into the technique, it’s crucial to grasp the underlying purpose of the question. “sell me.this pen” is not just about selling a writing instrument; it’s about assessing your communication skills, ability to think on your feet, and how you handle an ambiguous situation. Employers want to see your creativity, persuasion skills, and how well you can adapt to a spontaneous task.

  1. Gather Information About the Pen

The first step is to understand the product you are sell me.this pen. Ask relevant questions to gather information, such as the brand, unique features, and target audience. This information will help you tailor your pitch accordingly.

  1. Highlight Unique Features

Once you have the pen’s details, focus on its unique features that differentiate it from others. It could be a smooth writing experience, ergonomic design, or eco-friendly materials. Highlighting these attributes will capture the interviewer’s attention and show that you’ve done your homework.

  1. Identify the Pain Points

Next, identify potential pain points or needs that the pen can address. For instance, if the pen is refillable and cost-effective, emphasize how it can save the user money over time. Understanding the customer’s needs is essential in any sales situation.

  1. Create an Emotional Connection

People buy based on emotions, so create an emotional connection between the pen and the interviewer. Share a relatable story or scenario where the pen becomes a valuable tool. By appealing to emotions, you make the product more memorable and desirable.

  1. Use the FAB Technique

FAB stands for Features, Advantages, and Benefits. Present the pen’s features, explain how these features benefit the user, and highlight the advantages they offer over other pens. This method ensures a structured and comprehensive pitch.

  1. Overcome Objections

Expect the interviewer to raise objections. Address them confidently by turning them into selling points. If the pen is more expensive than others, emphasize its durability, which will save the user money in the long run.

  1. Close with a Call-to-Action

A strong sales pitch ends with a clear call-to-action. In this context, you could ask the interviewer if they’d like to try writing with the pen or even hand it over to them to experience it first-hand. This demonstrates your assertiveness and willingness to close a deal.


Mastering the “sell me.this pen” question requires a combination of product knowledge, persuasive communication, and empathy. By following this simple technique, you’ll not only impress your interviewers but also showcase your ability to tackle challenges with confidence and creativity. Remember, it’s not just about selling a pen; it’s about selling yourself as the perfect candidate for the job. So, go ahead, ace that interview, and secure your dream job! Good luck!

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