How to segment and tier your Accounts!

Account-Based Marketing can get complicated if you have multiple accounts of interest. In order to keep the entire organisation on the same page, and keep the allotment of resources proportional to the importance associated to the Account, Tiering and SEgmenting of accounts is very important.   In this article will give take a deeper look at Tiering and Segmenting of Accounts in Account-Based Marketing. Account-Based Marketing is a huge Program. The Industry is open to multiple strategies ranging from a laser focus on Mega Accounts to creating a scalable mechanism for thousands of accounts that your organisation want to reach. Towards the end of this blog, you will find a video by Sampath Mallidi Explaining in details how To segment.  

Tier 1

10 to 50 accounts. Your High Ticket Accounts. Attention: Account Level. Involves the Attention of top players from your Organisation. Expect Results: about a year  

Tier 2

100 - 150 of accounts Attention: Segment level. The Team involved here would be the SDR team, whose activities would be like Emails, calls, and social. And the marketing team would be doing direct ads, events.  

Tier 3

1000+ accounts. Attention: Solution level. Marketing team plays a huge role here. We suggest going with Inbound Marketing for this Tier This is usually an ongoing process. Hence describing a timeframe would not be ideal in this case.     Account-Based Marketing Expert Sampath Mallidi discusses this topic in details in this Video. We highly recommend watching it before Tiering up your audience. In this way, a tiering up your accounts would give you a framework and view as to how much efforts are going in into the accounts that you are targeting.